

God's Accommodation Principle


God's Accommodation Principle  is a collection of articles and presentations selected from several of the ministries being promoted by God News - Good News.

At various times throughout the Bible, God seems to have interacted with people at their sin-degraded level with a strange, maybe even un-God-like, kind of accommodation.  Did God adjust His standard of righteousness downward to accommodate sinners at times in the past?  Read, Listen, Watch these thought provoking presentations in this special collection. 



God's Accommodation Principle

Navigating Evil    by Ty Gibson, Light Bearers Ministries 

Radical Divine Accommodation    by Alden Thompson, Character of God Conference 2018 

God's Accommodation for Man      by Ray Foucher 

King David and the Wars of Israel    by Ray Foucher 

Love Allows for Growth    by Ray Foucher