

Why All The Suffering?

by Herb Montgomery

This presentation was made at the 2009 Good News Tour in Vancouver, BC by Herb Montgomery.   The Good News Tour is a conference that is entirely about God.



In this presentation, Herb talks about suffering and blaming God for allowing it.  Probably most of us at one time or another have blamed God for or at least wondered why God doesn't just stop human suffereing.
Using the four words Wanted, Could, Didn't, Wanted, he presents what may be a totally new viewpoint of how God is involved in the lives of people.

Renewed Heart Ministries  is a non-profit seminar-based ministry that is passionate about following Jesus and sharing Jesus’ message of God’s love in our post-modern world. RHM is dedicated to sharing the picture of God we discover through the lens of Jesus Christ in a way that is intellectually honest, culturally relevant, and relationally responsible.

Our Savior came to this world as the morning dawn, illuminating the eyes of our hearts, which had been darkened by persistent lies from the enemy. With the aim of finishing the work Jesus began, I very humbly introduce to you Renewed Heart Ministries. It is my hope that your life will be enriched, your heart renewed, and your devotion to Jesus deepened through the resources RHM has to offer. May God truly bless you as we seek to finish the work. “Those who wait for the Bridegroom’s coming are to say to the people, ‘Behold your God.’ The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.” (Christ Object Lessons p. 415.)